On 31st July Governmental restrictions on preventing further spread of COVID-19 infections took place. Social gatherings are limited to 100 persons, 15 years and older and 2-meter social distancing is mandatory. Where the 2-meter rule cannot be respected masks should be used, such as on domestic flights, ferries etc.
Mimir has already implemented the restrictions to ensure limitations on gatherings and social distancing rule will be met within its establishment.
These restrictions will be effective until 13th August but Mimir is preparing possible changes in its operation if further restrictions will be put forward by the Government. Mimir closely follows all Governmental orders regarding the development of the Covid-19 epidemic and how it will affect Mimir´s operation. Information regarding teaching arrangements this semester will be announced in the coming days.
The reception at Mimir has been closed temporarily and emphasis has been put on providing service online.
Information regarding the school, our service and educational opportunities can be found at www.mimir.is
Channels for questions and enquiries are through phone number 5801800, through e-mail mimir@mimir.is or through Mimir´s Facebook page.
We will do our best to answer all questions and enquiries as soon as possible during office hours.
Now as never before it is important that we all take care of each other and stick together. Lets all agree on respecting the 2-meter rule of social distancing and limitations, lets avoid unnecessary socializing and step up our personal sanitation to prevent further spreading of COVID-19. We are all responsible.
Good luck to us all!