Are you a beginner looking to improve your basic computer skills and learn how to use various programs that are essential in daily life? Then this course is for you!
This course is designed specifically for those starting their digital journey, aiming to enhance their digital literacy for personal and professional use.
This course uses open and free software and follows the curriculum of the Education and Training Service Centre (Fræðslumiðstöð atvinnulífsins
A total of 40 hours
Classes will be held from 8:30 AM to 1:00 PM on the following dates:
19th September, 20th September, 25th September, 26th September, 27th September, 3rd October. 4th October, 9th October, 10th October, 11th October.
Course assessment is based on 80% attendance, assignments, and active participation of students. No final test.
The course fee is 17.000 ISK.
Price is subject to change.
Vilt þú læra grunnatriði í tölvum og læra á ýmiss konar forrit sem nýtast þér í daglegu lífi?
Langar þig til að efla samskiptahæfni, setja þér persónuleg markmið og auka sjálfstraust?
Þá er þetta námskeið fyrir þig.
Á námskeiðinu er kennt á opinn og ókeypis hugbúnað.