The tourism service course is a practical course of 45 hours for people over 18 years of age who want to work in the tourist service industry or develop their professional skills in the field.

Tourism service 1 is taught according to curriculum published by The Education and Training Service Centre and attested by The Directorate of Education.

Teaching hours are Monday to Thursday at 17:00 to 20:10.

Study evaluation

The program is divided into three specialized sections: tourism, service, and communication at the workplace and local knowledge. Study evaluation is based on attendance and how active the student is during classes. Attendance required. No final test.

Course content:

  • Working under pressure / Að vinna undir álagi
  • Effective communication / Árangursrík samskipti
  • Initiative / Frumkvæði
  • Multiculturalism / Fjölmenningarfærni
  • Self-confidence / Sjálftraust
  • Work ability / Starfshæfni
  • The customer in focus / Viðskiptavinurinn í brennidepli


Tourism service 1 is taught according to curriculum published by The Education and Training Service Centre and attested by The Directorate of Education.

The course is subsidized by the Education Fund.

More information

Irma Matchavariani. Phone number 5801800. Email:

Admission requirements

  • Those who are 18 years or older without secondary education or
  • Those who have applied for study funding from the Directorate of labour


Höfðabakki 9, 110 Reykjavík.


The course is subsidized by the Education Funds of trade unions. Students need to pay for the course beforehand and present the original bill to their trade union for funding/subsidy. The Unemployed can apply for up to 75% subsidy to the Directorate of labour.

Námsstyrkir | Vinnumálastofnun (

Study plan

From October 10th to November 2nd 2023


Total price 20.000 kr. Directorate of labour subsidies up to 75% of the admission fee.

Námsstyrkir | Vinnumálastofnun (

Price is subject to change


Flokkar: Námsbrautir